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Finally, time for myself

What a week it has been. Last Tuesday guess who went on a walk/little jog all be herself like a big girl? Yup I did! And my oh, oh my did it feel good to be all by myself. I mean I love my husband to death, but it was time for me and myself to be alone it's been almost 6 weeks! Everybody needs there alone time and I finally got mine. Anywho, I jogged! I felt good afterwards too, I went the same distance I could jog before getting my LVAD Gus. And today, I went on a walk/jog again and felt great! I am so glad the my ticker is doing so well. I hope one day I will be able to meet the donors family and say thank you so very much and hear all the stories about their daughter. A lot of people have asked me if its weird to have someone else heart in me and yes it is, but if I think of it as a gift of life its not weird at all. Now I am not going to be a table tennis and walk around the block lady. I am going to be that young lady that can do whatever she puts her mind too. To me that is more than I could ever ask for and even more!

Lil G and I looking in an old stump at City Creek Park :)

I am so blessed with all the support from all ya'll's and know I would give each of you a huge hug for your generosity.


  1. Yay! So glad you were able to jog, I bet it felt amaaazzziinngg!

  2. Hi Ashley!

    I just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know what an inspiration you have been to me as I have followed your journey. I was introduced to your blog through a friend and have been keeping up with your story ever since! I am a 25 yr old female from Boston and was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy about 5 years ago. It wasn't until about 6 months ago that I started presenting with symptoms of heart failure. Fast forward to now, I am learning everyday to accept the IV antibiotics, the ICD, and the LVAD as a part of my reality. I have yet to come up with a name as cool as Gus for my constant companion :) but the strength and positivity that you have shown throughout your journey is truly something that I aspire to; your spirit has helped to keep me confident, hopeful, and grateful on days where I am feeling lost, frustrated, and discouraged. I'm sure you hear it all the time from family, friends and strangers alike, but you are clearly a very, very special person. I look forward to keeping up with your amazing progress and will continue to wish for all the best in your recovery! :)

    Taylor MacLean

    1. Hey Taylor,
      Wow, I would never guess that there was someone like me out there. How did you become diagnosed 5 years ago? How active were you before you were diagnosed? It is crazy to think about all the stuff in your body, but hey its making you stronger. I am so blessed for Gus because before I was so weak and he made me stronger and healthier. Its pretty amazing where technology has come. What kind of LVAD do you have? Heartware? Are you listed on the transplant list? Thanks so much for telling your story, honestly you don't know how much it means to me. Best of luck to you as well.


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