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another one down

I had been thinking about doing another half marathon for a while, but haven't really been training. Tried to convince Steve to run one with me, but he was a no go. The longest I have ran for was 7 miles down in St George, so I thought what the heck I will run the Famous Idaho Potato Half Marathon. After signing up for the race, which was a week ago today I got a stomach bug right before the race. Didn't know if I would have the energy to be able to run that far, but if you know me I will always try even if I fail.
To get my head ready for the race I decided to change the word "race" to "run." When I hear the word race I automatically think I have to compete. That was the first thing that had to be changed. The second thing I decided was not to choose someone who was running the race about my speed that was ahead of me and try to beat them. And lastly, I was thinking I was likely to get a PR due to the course was basically all downhill.
Once the "run" started, I was feeling pretty good and going a nice speed. I noticed these women that I kept passing and then they would pass me back. Then I got smart and tagged along with them for a few miles. At that point I was still feeling good, so as they stopped at a water station I pushed along and took their strategy with me. They were running 5 minutes and walking 1 minute, me feeling so good decided to run 5 walk 30 seconds. By mile 10, I was drained every time I would go back to running my back and right ankle refused. There goes my PR. Only a mile and a half to go and there go those women strolling right by me waving. They were smart and saved their energy for the finish. With that said always follow more experienced people in things you don't know a whole lot about. I finished in the same time as my last half marathon.
I am grateful for my donor for giving me this opportunity to run and continue to become a better person. Next time I will follow some ladies all the way to the finish line. :)

Steve pretended to run :)


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