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Baby it is cold outside are the words that best describe this past week. When it gets snowy and cold, I get excited for the holidays. I love to see the frosted trees, everyone bundled up and the change of everything that surrounds us. It is beautiful even though sometimes I don't like it.

Ever since moving to Boise I have said my morning prayers on Friday I did my usual and off to work I went. It was snowing and my windshield wiper was being a pill, so while I was driving I decided to roll down my window and flick my wiper in order for me to see better. As I was trying to see better I noticed that I was merging into a semi next to me. I quickly grabbed the wheel and corrected myself, I began swerving out of control. I was able to get my car back in control. Simply by me saying my morning prayers that morning and asking Heavenly Father to bless me to be alert and safe on the roads, I made it safely to work. I am so very grateful that anyone of us can bow our head and fold our arms and communicate with God.

I was reading one of Elder Robert D. Hales talk and he asked each of us a question: "If we love the Savior more, will we suffer less?" He goes on and tells us how we can come unto Him by loving one another and serving God's children. This month I have tried to just that, however sometimes not always, but if I keep trying, keep loving, keep believing and keep trusting God will be right beside me cheering me on today, tomorrow and forever. I have seen my light grow and enjoy showing my light to others.

Steve's work Christmas party at the Steelheads hockey game

Good ol' Santa Claus 

Us at Idaho Botanical Garden lights half frozen


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