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Showing posts from February, 2015

bumpy road

This past weekend was a rough one for me...I  wasn't planning on blogging about it, but I felt like I need to. Friday afternoon after Steve and I went out to lunch with some of our friends I broke down like literally tears and this never really happens, because everytime  I begin to cry I ask myself "What are these tears for Ashley, Come on you got this." and goodbye the tears. This time, though they were flowing out at a pretty good pace. I thought to myself, I have waited soo  patiently for the past 3 months and still no call. Every doctors appointment they all say they are super surprised that I still haven't received my new heart. I am so ready to move on with this disease stage. Back in 2009 I was diagnosed and 2010 I stopped playing the sport I absolutely adored. I told myself I wasn't going to be able to play soccer again, be able to simply go out for a run, go climb mountains, matter of fact even go skiing anymore. Basically, I was a young woma...


Hey, you GUYS!! I hope everyone's week turned out to be a good week. My appointment on Tuesday was fantastic. I am now taking linsinopril  to help keep my blood pressure down. Linsinopril is a common used drug to help treat hypertension, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure (CHF). My INR was 2.3 so bring on the vegetables. Other than that everything is still rolling very, very slooowly ... I am sooo  ready for my new heart. I know I know everyday with Gus the stronger and quicker my recovery is going to be when my new heart comes, but come on. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support, I am truly grateful for the love you have shown my family and I . Steve and I after Buffalo Wild Wings on Tuesday night...<3 that place!

I'm out!!!

I got out early this afternoon, the quickest visit to the hospital EVER less than 24 hours. I think that's a record somewhere, huh?   :) Doc's Instructions are as follows: - Lay off the broccoli - Keep taking my coumidan - Go back into the clinic this coming Tuesday to check my INR Broccoli has vitamin K in it which counteracts the coumidan . Doctors dislike this. I thought eating green leafy vegetables would keep me out of the hospital, but no. If you are taking coumidan  they tell you to stay away from OR stay consistent with items that contain vitamin K. For example, broccoli, spinach, and kale have a butt load of vitamin K. Everything is going great, feeling good and dandy!! Happy Valentines Day, y'all have love struck me <3 <3
Here is the video link that was shown this evening on good4utah...

Change of plans...

Well guess where I'm at???  Went to go check my INR this morning. Therapeutic level is 2.0-2.5 I was at 1.5 :( not good stinkin green veggies. They called me up and told me that I have to be admitted to the hospital and put on a heparin drip until I become therapeutic, which can take FOOORREEEEVVVVERRR!!  So now I'm on my way to the hospital. FYI time changed...I will be on Channel 4 News at 5 pm this evening rather than 4 pm :) 

Guess What??

Hey guys guess what? Chicken butt... :) No but  for reals I am going to be on channel 4 news tomorrow Febuary 9th at 4pm. Nadia Crow interviewed me about what has been going on and what I think about getting my new heart. So stay tuned... It is Heart Awareness week at IMC in Murray. So wear your red all this month!! I attempted to achieve one of my resolutions last weekend and failed. I tried to climb Mount  Olympus. I started off great but then my legs got fatigued, so I took a break. This happened many more times until Steve said okay lets turn around. I was pretty bummed, but Steve tells me I'm still not out of the woods. Like T Swift song "Are we out of the woods" :) I am getting really anxious to receive my new heart. At my last clinic appointment on the 3rd they thought it was going to be this past weekend but no call. Trying to stay optimistic and keep my mind busy. Which can be a little challenging sometimes, but Wrigley can always get me...