This week flew by like a flock of geese. Now that I have accomplished one of my resolutions, I am thinking about my other ones. The one that I am ready to tackle now is hiking Mount Olympus. I can't yet because of the snow. This is my next adventure though. As I am getting my body back into the condition I want it to be, I have noticed that my right arm is way weaker than my left. I had a stroke back in 2013 that affected my right side and after everything I have been to I feel like my right arm is a noodle. My right shoulder is much smaller than my left. I never really noticed it til now. I am such a hypocrite, as I teach many of my patients about how long to takes to regain muscle and here I am getting frustrated at myself because I have been working on my right arm for 2 weeks now. I want my right as strong as my left like right now, not tomorrow, NOW please. Then I think about it, I tell myself every little thing you do is making a difference. If there is anything that you ...
My Journey with my NEW & IMPROVED Heart!!