I didn't forget about cha don't you be worrying! My laptop decided to be a little bit slow so I had to take her in to Simply Mac and it is taking fooorrevverrrr ! Hopefully tomorrow I will get it back, cross your fingers. Today is Monday and I did not sleep at all last night, my brain would not shut off and this morning I had another biopsy, echocardiogram and clinic visit. No more twice a week visits , thank goodness. I am sooo sick of biopsy, the doctor really numb me up real good today, I could flick my chin afterwards :)
Here are the results: Everything is the SAME!! Boring I know, buthey I am glad I am boring actually! I hope I am going to be a plain ol' janer patient from here on out for a long time.
I have been feeling great lately. I have been going on walks, enjoying this great sunshine with sunscreen and a large hat and trying to put some LB's on me.
Steve, my dad and I went golfing today, well they did the golfing I was there for moral support and to walk with my dad.
Can't believe I am almost 1 month out, time flies when you are having fun!!
Thanks again for your prayers and support, you guys are the reason why I get up every day!
Here are the results: Everything is the SAME!! Boring I know, but
I have been feeling great lately. I have been going on walks, enjoying this great sunshine with sunscreen and a large hat and trying to put some LB's on me.
Steve, my dad and I went golfing today, well they did the golfing I was there for moral support and to walk with my dad.
Can't believe I am almost 1 month out, time flies when you are having fun!!
Thanks again for your prayers and support, you guys are the reason why I get up every day!
I'm so happy the numbers were the same!!! I love when you're boring!!!!