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Chalk It Up as a Miracle.........

Some of you may know, but Ashley went through another Heart Transplant yesterday. After her first first new heart started to fail, we re-listed on the her on the transplant list immediately. We knew getting another heart would be a long shot, but we wanted the option to be there if a heart came available. Sure enough 18 hours on the list a second heart came available that was a perfect match for Ashley. Ironically, it took 4.5 months and then 2 hearts in the same week. We, including the doctors, are all chalking it up as a miracle. It was decided not to wait to see if the first heart would handle the load she would need but rather to move forward with the new donor heart. Going through a transplant a second time makes you really feel for the family who lost their daughter, sister, spouse and friend. We are grateful again for the family and the individual who choose to give life. We were in quite a predicament and feel only divine intervention could have provided a means out. Ashley is so deserving!!!!

She is recovering now from the re-transplant, which only happens this soon maybe once a decade. We hope your faith has been strengthened as ours has, receiving a new heart hours after being listed was an answer thousands of prayers including yours. I truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers of intercession. She is still in desperate need of those prayers and I hope in the next couple of days she will be back to blogging. Hopefully she won't remember much, and Verna and I wish we could have slept through all of this as well!!!!

Plan of attack today is to let her rest, she will still be on a breathing machine and they will keep her comfortable. She has wiggled her toes, she opens her eyes. She is doing great!


  1. Praise God. Amazing miracle :) keep fighting skwiggles!!!!

  2. How amazing! So great to hear! Prayers are coming. Love you guys!

  3. I am so happy to hear about this miracle! On Friday morning I had heard about the set back and was so sad. I only took care of Ashley a few times at the hospital, but I was immediately touched by her positive attitude and infectious smile. Organ donation is amazing! I wish Ashley a speedy recovery!

  4. I am so incredibly impressed by your strength and spirit Ash!! I was so stunned to learn of your story and truly so impressed at just how strong a person you are. I havent seen you in a long time but I just had to tell you that while I've seen you dominate on the field, what you really kick is some major ass!!! My mom and I walked past your house the other day, you and your whole family are in our prayers. Keep fighting girl!!! -The Schoeneck's

  5. Melissa (Ringwood) Glover - Kimberley's sister - is one of my oldest friends. She told me about Ashley. I am so sorry Ashley's first new heart failed, that would have been so scary. My 3 year old daughter just had a heart transplant in November. I'm sure an adult vs child transplant is a little different but coming from someone who knows more than most about this...hang in there! My Molly is 4 months post transplant. We have a ton of medical bills, meds, and doctor visits but she is doing great and that's all that matters! I sure hope Ashley can recover quickly. Remember, the first year is the hardest and you both can do it. Good luck

  6. What an amazing miracle. I have never heard of a transplanted heart failing that soon after surgery, and how incredible that she was listed again and the perfect match became available such a short time later. I came across your blog on Facebook, as Ashley and I have mutual friends. Actually, such a small world - I went to high school with her and as soon as I saw her picture, remembered her. I had a heart transplant in 2005 and struggled with several rejection episodes. She may not remember me specifically, but if she thinks back to the halls of Brighton and the "girl with the mask," that was me! ;) Everyone knew there was a girl with "heart problems," or knew me as the "girl with the transplant." Ironically enough, I am followed by the same team of doctors at IMC and now that I am a week away from my 10th anniversary of my transplant, I was just officially listed for a second heart transplant yesterday. Now I begin the waiting game that you know all too well. I just wanted to reach out and let you all know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like Ashley is such a fighter, I cannot imagine going through this twice in such a short amount of time. I'm struggling to come to terms with going through it twice in ten years! There is no doubt there is a long road ahead, but from the looks of it, with her strength and faith, she will do great! It'd be great to one day get together, since we have so much in common going through this at about the same age, married, in the same place, with the same doctors! Actually, I'm surprised we haven't met in the waiting room of clinic. ;) Anyways, again, Ashley and the whole family is in my prayers. What an amazing obstacle you have overcome. Wishing you nothing but the best recovery possible!


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