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1 MONTH with the new TICKER

It has been a whole month today since I received my new heart!! It is soo crazy to think where I was a month ago to where I am now. The human body blows my mind every single day. I am becoming stronger every day. I am ready to try jogging, but have to wait til the 6 week mark that's what cardiac rehab says. Chomping at the bits.

Yesterday Steve and I went out and flew a kite before the storm came in. Flying a kite is no easy task either it is kinda tough. Good thing Steve had mad skills to get it up in the sky.

...and then I decided to land it in the tree probably 45 mins later :(

Today, to celebrate my 1 month with my new ticker, we went to Sweet Cake (full on gluten free bakery) in downtown Salt Lake and got some cookies and mini cupcakes. Yes, I ate them all. NUMM NUM! Other than that just kick it back today. Crazy weather we are having here!!!

My next clinic visit is Monday the 20th. YES for only going in once a week rather than twice a week. My right hand and foot are still a little shaky when I am moving. I believe it is from my stroke and one of my medications. Sometimes it is not bad, but then it can get ridiculous, like when I am texting my thumb is doing the shimmy. I look like I have a tremor. Hopefully it will eventually get better with strengthening exercises and working on my fine motor skills (doing a puzzle or drawing a picture). THANKS again for you guys being you.


  1. My 3 year old daughter had a heart transplant five months ago. We're at every other week appointments now and it's funny how great it feels not going as often :) Do adults take Prograf and Cellcept like kids do? Which one makes you shake?

    1. Sorry I posted a comment back to your question rather than replying. Still getting used to this blogging thing :)

  2. Wow that is nuts! I hope she is doing well with her recovery and everything. I can't imagine having a new heart at that age...hats off to her! Yes I have to take both cellcept and prograf, prograf is the one that make me shaky, but only my right arm and hand (mostly hand) when I am moving. How does your take those huge pills of cellcept?

  3. She actually takes both in liquid form (we have to get it compounded) I'm hoping to switch her to pills though soon. She doesn't have the shaky problem but the Cellcept hurts her stomach. Her docs said the pills are easier on her than the liquid! I hope so :)
    She's recovering great! She had a little rejection at first but has had three clean biopsies, one on Monday and now doesn't have to have another for a year! Yay! They moved her to monthly visits now too. Didn't feel like that would ever happen but it did :) BTW - I know about you from your friend Kimberley (Melissa is my best friend from high school) sorry I blog stalk you ;) but I'm glad you're doing well! It's always nice to hear good things from a situation you're close too


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