This past weekend was a little bumpy since my angiogram, the doctor told me to take it easy for 3-4 days after because they had to go through my right femoral artery which is a huge and major artery. That meant no running, biking or hiking. On Saturday I decided to go for a walk/run, the majority of it I walked. This time I went 4.7 miles, the longest I have ever done!! During it though I was struggling, I would be running and then I would go like a block and be tired again. Man, what does taking 3 days off? I wasn't that nice either this past weekend, not sure what it is but I was in the slums. Today I feel a little better because now I am able to be more active. Maybe it's because I wish I was working again because what I do is the greatest job ever. I've had a handful of interviews and only one job offer... Stinky! All of this that is going on made me think, if I have faith in Him our Heavenly Father, He will provide a way. I know sometimes it is hard to wait it out, but then I think to myself, " Hey, you had an LVAD, ya GUS in you only 3 1/2 months ago and now look at you." Patience, a job will come in His timing. Trust in Him.
Some of you may know, but Ashley went through another Heart Transplant yesterday. After her first first new heart started to fail, we re-listed on the her on the transplant list immediately. We knew getting another heart would be a long shot, but we wanted the option to be there if a heart came available. Sure enough 18 hours on the list a second heart came available that was a perfect match for Ashley. Ironically, it took 4.5 months and then 2 hearts in the same week. We, including the doctors, are all chalking it up as a miracle. It was decided not to wait to see if the first heart would handle the load she would need but rather to move forward with the new donor heart. Going through a transplant a second time makes you really feel for the family who lost their daughter, sister, spouse and friend. We are grateful again for the family and the individual who choose to give life. We were in quite a predicament and feel only divine intervention could hav...
It will all come around as it should! I have learned A lot of Patience he last few years! Take this "TimeOut" and embrace anothernew challenge or something you can develop. As a wise Skwig once said "it is the slugs on the fence that give you perspective" and they are SLOW!!!!