Since my last post I have had my birthday, got a new job closer to home, taught my first yoga class and gotten wiser each day. :) My birthday was super fun! Steve and I went to SLC because Boise didn't have any snow and I don't feel like it is my birthday if there is no snow on the ground. SLC definitely had snow. Steve surprised me by taking me to a Jazz game, which was a blast because we got dinner and other goodies and we got a W. So it was a win win, oh and the Jazz bear gave me a hug. Then my mom and Steve decide to gather family and friends to celebrate my birthday without telling me. It was a great time spending time with everyone and made me miss home. We also went snow shoeing which was pretty amazing and it crazy what and where you can go in those snow shoeing! Overall great 29th birthday! Thanks to my mom to my lovely banner My dad is holding Oakley poop ... classic Can you see me? My new job is less than 10 blocks ...
My Journey with my NEW & IMPROVED Heart!!